Thursday, 30 October 2008

Fortieth Day

Starting to write was cancelled today so that we could write our timed assesments. The picture we had was of Joseph Beuys, though the story only had to be inspired by the picture. I've got something written, it feels more like; 'a bunch of stuff that happened'rather than a story. I think it's okay, only time will tell.

Also saw the dysability officer today. They offer so much it is all very complicated, but in a few weeks I've another appointment with a specific dysability officer.

Tomorrow I hand in my assignment for Starting to Write and of course I have Language and Sociecty. I will also of course complete the Writing Media assesment.

Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Thirty-ninth Day

IT for writers was today. We're now in the planing stages for our essays. They can be on any subject, which makes it both easy and very difficult. I think I've something approching an idea though!

Then was Scriptwriting, the next assignemt for that is a four page script, but no dialogue. We looked at the first four pages of 'Lost in Translation'so I've something of an idea how to do it now. We'll see how it goes.

Also picked up my assesment information for Starting to Write. We have a picture and have to write a story based on it. I, again have something approching an idea!

Tonight is Sam's birthday celebration at Old Orleans, I'll blog about that too.

Good evening.

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Thirty-eighth Day

American Short Story was a lot better today. The teams have been reorganised and I think my new group has more complementary skills to draw on. The story this time was A White Heron, far more streight forward in terms of how it is told. And the hidden meanings more obvious, I suppose that means they are not hidden. But you get the idea.

Went into ponty today, just for food shopping, nothing interesting got what I needed though.

My power cable arrived and was an easy set up so all systems go.

Tomorrow is Sam's birthday celebration which should be a lot of fun.

Monday, 27 October 2008

Thirty-seventh Day

Writing media was canceled for today so I just spent my time working. I've got quite a good way through my character profile for script writing and read the story for American short story. They seem to be getting progressively better.

Went to writers circle for the first time in weeks today. It hasn't changed at all, needs more new people really. I'm going to try to go every 4 weeks or so. Bought tickets and they weren't checked which was a little annoying!

So bed now I guess.

Sunday, 26 October 2008

Thirty-sixth Day

Sunday. Today after watching Stargate my computer went belly-up! The power cable gone. But dad has ordered another and fortuitously I can manage with out it for most of the next week.

All though I was too late for the Wii challenge I went down to Smiths this evening, talked to folks and watched a game of pool.

No lessons tomorrow and hope fully I'll get some work done despite not having access to the files.


Thirty-fourth and Thirty-fifth Day

Well as you can see I've been forgetting to do this. I wish I could say that I was working. That wouldn't be accurate however.Nevertheless I am completing the work that is set so in the grand scheme of things I suppose working on square eyes isn't so bad!

On Friday I had language and society. It continues to be very interesting. Friday's lesson was all about propaganda, how it is used in politics.
Also on Friday I handed in my first assessment, a script for scriptwriting for the media. I'll know how I did in a few weeks.
In the evening I went to the pub quiz, joining one of the teams. We came second at the finish, but there was no prize for second place. After the quiz was bingo which I almost won!

Saturday I cought up on some work and watched Stargate. Not much else to say.

Thursday, 23 October 2008

Thirty-third Day

I keep forgetting to do this at a sensible time. Now I should really be getting to bed as I have an early start tomorrow.

Anyway to day was quite good. I've got the cover sheets printed and will be handing in my Script tomorrow all being well.

Went to the jobs fair today but, it finished an hour early due to demand and so I only got one small leaflet.

Then there was Starting to Write, that was good. We've a timed assessment next week instead of a lesson. Sounds very interesting, basically we're given a picture or atricle and have to write a story around it. This will go forward to our final mark!

Bed time now - long passed.

Good night.

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Thirty-secound Day

Today was silly. We had our last Scriptwriting for the media lesson before a Monday deadline. And rather than going over the work he started to talk about the next thing! Any whoo I think the script is pretty much done now it just needs a cover sheet.

Before that though I had IT for writers and in that we went over our leaflets. My draft was passed around the class and got a few pointers.

The other deadline that's coming up is a critical essay for writing media - also nearly done!

I will publish some stuff soon - honest.

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Thirty-first Day

Today we had American Short Story. This time the story was 'The Man That Corrupted Hadleybuge' by Mark Twain. What can I say, it is so much better than the previous stories we've covered. Not to the stage where I would recommend it to someone but certainly better!

So perhaps this subject won't be so bad after all. I could also more easily identify with the themes being talked about. That might be because I know something about Mark Twain.

Now I've got two assignments due in in the next couple of weeks and hit the first bump in the road. The tutor's email address dosn't work.

Oh well.

Tomorrow is IT for writers and Scriptwriting and my script is pretty much ready!

Monday, 20 October 2008

Thirtieth Day

Today was Writing Media. We're a small group so when, as today, we all have something to read out everyone can get a good amount of time to discuss their work. My critical essay is on Babaylon 5 & from reading it out today it looks like it is pretty much ready. Just got a couple of things to clear up and then my first assignment will be ready.

Scriptwriting however has a nearer deadline and hopefully that is done correctly. The tutor was away last week and so we missed out on handing it in for some feedback. So hopefully I've got it right.

Tomorrow is American Short Story. Hopefully I'll be more able to identify with what he says the story represents. We'll see.

Sunday, 19 October 2008

Twenty-nineth Day

What can I say. Oops. I texted Sam this morning to confirm that we were still going to the Fox and Hounds this evening. As I recieved no answere I assumed that that ment no. But I've just got a call from Ben and they are their right now. Like I said oops.

Anyway today was Sunday and Sunday is quite difficult to know what to do. No obligations and with most of my friends living off campus not much to do with social stuff as well.

Anyway I went to Tesco and got a couple of things I needed.

Tomorrow is Monday and writing media.

A great subject!

Saturday, 18 October 2008

Twenty-eighth Day

Today was Saturday. I went home to visit mum and dad. Dad got DVDs working on my computer so I can watch to my hearts content. Watching 'Walking with Beasts'at the moment, very interesting. Should be recomented watching for anyone trying to invent aliens.

Had a victory today in man's eternal battle with a duvet! I finally won! Strange thing to say I know, but I've always had trouble with them.

Now there is noting I can't do!

Also at home got some work done on my subjects today, rather I asked mum to read them. I think my script will be easily ready before the deadline. May be able to hand it in on Thursday and just checked the deadline is the 27th. Ekk!

Tomorow Sunday, day of rest as some might say. Just got a couple of things that need doing.

Good night or morning depending on your point of view.

Probably good night.

Friday, 17 October 2008

Twenty-seventhy Day

Today was language and society and its proving very interesting! We were talking about jargon today and the various reasons for its use, including the fact that some use it to feel important.

Went to Smiths this evening, too late for the quiz and it was rather ironic that the music round, one I would be terrible at, was on a CD I've got!

Any way there will be next week.

Thursday, 16 October 2008

Twenty-sixth Day

Today was Starting to Write, my favourite lesson. Today we looked at Dan Rhodes book Anthropology. He wrote 101 stories of 101 words. They are obviously very simple and quite funny. It is a useful exercise for a writer, limiting ones self.
Afterwards we were required to write a hectic moment in our lives, I haven't described that very well, to give an example the tutor told us of a time he was involved in a car accedent.

I couldn't think of any good examples, one time with an oven glove and in Glacier National park.
(Must get round to posting extra stuff)

Made dinner this evening, sort of an experiment.

Rice, mince meat, pepper and onion but also an egg mixed in.

Didn't do it exactly right - know what I did wrong though.

Tomorrow - Language and Society.

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Twenty-fifth Day

Today was IT for writers. We spent the lesson going through the various features of microsoft word. It was quite informative, didn't actually know about some of the features. Though they are not all in open office. Nevertheless I'm sure it will be very useful.

I've made some head way on the assessed leaflet we have to do. My idea is of a take away for a space station. I'm using a nebula as a background and so far it seems to be going okay.

Scriptwriting was cancelled today, but I have been working on my script. I think I might almost have something good. Well I'll soon know.

Had lunch in the gallery today. This Italian theme of there's is actually quite good. Pizza, garlic bread, spaghetti and bolognase.

Tomorrow is Starting to Write, the best of my lessons. We're work shopping one of my poems.

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Twenty-forth Day

Today was American Short story. The second story we were reading was 'Young Goodman Brown' by Nathaniel Hawthorne. It is a strange story but I would say better than 'Sleepy Hollow' It's about the Salem witch tries and apparently has hidden meanings once more.

The theme of the week in the Gallery this week is Italian, the Bolognese was actually very good, it was served with pizza and garlic bread.

Tomorrow is IT for writers which should be very good!

Monday, 13 October 2008

Twenty-third Day

Today was writing media, quite interesting, we mostly discussed the assessments that are due in at the beginning of next month, actually only a few weeks away. Mine shall be a review of Babylon 5. Still very much a work in progress but I should have something by next week.

Tomorrow is American short story, hopefully more interesting than it has been previously!

Sunday, 12 October 2008

Twenty-second Day

Today was Sunday, which I am now trying to make a day off if I possibly can. Managed it today, went to Tesco to get a few things but other than that I've just been watching stuff on you tube.

Went down to Smiths this evening for the Wii challenge, their words not mine, but only four people were playing, I lost. Strangle they did it as a knock-out rather than all play all like the six nations. Anyway it looks like they will make it a frequent thing.

Also met a guy there who likes sci-fi, quite a surprise. And he is not the sad person stereotype people expect sci-fi fans to be. I think that it was Battlestar Galactica that made sci-fi cool!I should see it some time.

DS9 remains my favourite of the Star Trek scene, and if you only see one episode make it, 'In the Pale Moonlight' fantastic!

Of course I haven't forgotten the Great Maker, B5 remains my favourite overall.

Saturday, 11 October 2008

Twenty-first Day

The Saturdays here seem to go really fast without a great deal happening. Well I've got my work finished for Monday, written quite a bit and done my laundry tomorrow I'm just going to enjoy Sunday!

Friday, 10 October 2008

Twentieth Day

Today was language and society. It was very interesting, so far its all about how we address people and what that says about our relationship with them. One example I could give is address within the military, some people have to be addressed by rank others by position.

Within families names are often not used, rather terms like, mum or grandma are used.

Also in this class we will cover 'bad' language and how people are described in the media.

Thursday, 9 October 2008

Nineteenth Day

Today we had Starting to write. Which is my favourite lesson as it teaches pretty much what I wanted to be doing on this course.

Today however was poetry! I have never got on with poetry. Always a meaning rapped in exposition, you think its a poem about a garden but no!

Anyway next week we're doing fiction writing. That's just my game.

Maybe I'll up load some of my attempts at poetry tomorrow.

Good night.

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Eighteenth Day

Today was IT for writers; we're currently just going through the basics of the course before we get on to the more complicated HTML and CSS, to which I'm looking forward.

And Scriptwriting for the media: Which has work due in before the end of the month. Which is not so good.

Anyway tomorrow is Starting to write my favourite subject!

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Seventeenth Day

Today was American Short Story - we were going through Sleepy Hollow -basically - I found the story made me sleepy - and was rather hollow! Not very good at all - maybe it's just me.

Any way we've another story to read for next week hopefully it's better.

Had dad's favourite food this evening, left overs. Had them with eggs!

Winding down to bed now.

Oh and how did I forget? We had a fire alarm this morning! God that's and terrible noise. The good news I can blame not getting so much done today on it, (well maybe)

Good night!

Fifteenth Day and Sixteenth day

Oops. Completely forgot the blog of two days! Well Sunday was interesting went home for the first time since starting university, strange as it is home and is not at the same time. I was able to get some supplies so that was good. Of course I'm not going to avoid the gallery restaurant completely but I've got a good amount of food in stock.

Yesterday (Monday) I had Writing Media, it continues to be interesting, I've all ready made a start on the assignment!

Dinner was stuffed peppers, I've never made them before!

Saturday, 4 October 2008

Fourteenth Day

Today I got up quite late, having gone to bed late yesterday. Basically milled around, not knowing where the day went actually, it was suddenly dark! (Imagine ghostly noises)

I got some work done though, some of it confuses me!

Any who I had chocolate chicken for dinner, didn't exactly follow the recipy, but it was quite interesting.

Friday, 3 October 2008

Dream - Class Work

In our starting to write class we were given a couple of sentences of someone else's dream and had to write a story around it my couple of sentences were; In the woods - a man with a shovel silhouetted against car headlights behind him.

My story was:

Max continued to dig with the shovel as he wiped the sweat from his brow. He suddenly noticed the car behind him.
"What are you doing?" Jon said closing the door.
"Looking for evidence,"
"We got the guy," Jon said, concerned for his friend, "Case closed."
"I'm not convinced."
"What do you expect to find digging in the dirt?"
"Guess I'll know when I find it."
Jon walked up to him. "Got another shovel?"
"In the pack"
Jon stooped to help his friend dig."
An hour later they had dug an impressive hole.
"We're not going to find anything!" Jon said.
"I suppose you're right."
"Come on," Jon smiled. "Lets climb out of here, fill it in and go to a..."
Suddenly there was a flash of light all around them. They were dazed for a moment. When there eyes recovered they saw they were standing in a black room with a little green man looking at them.
"I hate it when that happens," Max said.

Thirteenth Day

Today, well yesterday now, we had language and society. This part of the course is all about our use of language and the way we relate to people. How in the media a woman being described often has comment thrown in, where as if a man is being described it is more often the simple facts.

Found that there are more shops in this local area than I had thought, a new Tesco for example. No more forty minuet walks!Got some stuff, but forgot to use my voucher!

I'll be uploading a story in a little while.


Thursday, 2 October 2008

Twelth Day

Today I had just one session which was starting to write. This was excellent! It was precisely what I was hoping for when I started this course. We did an exercise today where we each wrote down a dream we'd had then the sheets were passed around and we wrote a story based on someone else's dream. An excellent exercise as it meant we wrote something that might never have occurred otherwise. I will up load the story I wrote tomorrow.

After the session four of us went over to the union, turns out we're all massive sci-fi fans which was nice. So we chatted for a couple of hours.

Two of us had to go to the station but we all walked over there and Harri and I chatted some more before we each went back to our homes. Then cooked far too much dinner, no easy way to store stuff.

Tomorrow I have Language and Society which promises to be very interesting.

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Eleventh Day

Today was quite hectic, I had three things that backed onto one another.

I started the day relatively well, got some writing done then decided to have breakfast down at the Gallery Restaurant. As it turned out the idea was better than the event.

Then it was IT for writers. This sounds like it will be a most interesting course starting from basic IT and moving all the way to HTML and CSS, of which I know zilch. In some ways that makes it more interesting. Our first piece of assessed work will be to create a leaflet on any subject we choose. To finish off the lesson we helped them to test the web site by performing tasks which were recorded and they can see where to improve.

Scriptwriting for the Media followed directly after, I was pretty much there in time. No work as such today just the teacher talking for pretty much the whole two hours, he seems obsessed by the film Let there be Blood.

Finally after Sweet and Sour chicken I went to the last hour of the debate club. It was strange, interesting but very little sense of it being the first one of a new year and welcoming new people, I doubt I'll go again.

Anyway very tired now. Goodnight.